Puppy training

Puppy training is an essential step in ensuring that your furry friend grows up to be a well-behaved and obedient companion. Training a puppy not only helps prevent behavior problems in the future but also strengthens the bond between you and your pet. We will put you on the right path and and show you exactly how to effectively train your new four-legged family member.

First and foremost, puppy training is crucial for setting boundaries and establishing rules in your household. By teaching your puppy basic commands such as sit, down, stay, place/crate and come, building a bond and engagement is important for your puppy to understand their place in the family . Consistent training also helps your puppy to learn how to socialize with other dogs and humans in the correct , making them well-adjusted and confident in various situations.

Additionally, training your puppy can help prevent future behavioral issues. By teaching your puppy good manners early on,   and correct socialization are setting them up for success later in life. Dogs that have not received proper training are more likely to exhibit problematic behaviors such as excessive barking, jumping on people, or pulling on the leash. These behaviors can be frustrating for both you and your puppy and can even lead to a strained relationship between you and your pet.

There are several methods you can use to train your puppy effectively. Positive reinforcement is one of the most popular and effective training techniques. By rewarding your puppy with treats, praise, or playtime when they exhibit good behavior, you are encouraging them to repeat that behavior in the future. This method not only helps your puppy learn faster but also creates a positive and enjoyable training experience for both of you.

Consistency is key when it comes to puppy training. Establish a daily training routine and stick to it. Dogs thrive on routine, and regular training sessions will help your puppy understand what is expected of them. Be patient and gentle with your puppy, and avoid using harsh punishment or yelling. Training should be a positive and rewarding experience for both you and your pup.

In conclusion, puppy training is an important step in raising a well-behaved and obedient companion. By establishing boundaries, preventing behavior problems, and strengthening the bond between you and your furry friend, training your puppy can lead to a happier and more harmonious relationship. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can successfully train your puppy and set them up for a lifetime of good behavior.

Benefits of 1-1  puppy sessions ;

Whole session focusing on just you and your dog- tailor made to your household and your pup  -every dog responds to different methods so find what works for them best- settling them in your home - giving you a training plan that fits your your personal routine - train them in there home environment  where they live- no ditractions - recall and lead walk in a realistic environment  - just to name a few

What we cover ;

Crate / bed training - toileting - sit - down - stay - leave it - come / recall  - loose lead walking - boundaries - mouthing - correct and appropriate socialization and play - diet - chewing - -jumping up - thresh holds - exercise and mental stimulation - building strong engagement and much more !